Welcome to Certif-ID. Certif-ID provides API endpoints to the Organisations to manage courses, credentials, etc. This documentation refers to how the endpoints can be used to easily integrate Certif-ID platform with the Organisations’s own platform. The Certif-ID APIs are scalable and easy to integrate.
The following terms will be used throughout the documentation.
The flow of the credential issuance using the API endpoints would be as follows
The base URL for all the production endpoints is as follow:
https://app-api.certif-id.com/For development purposes, Certif-ID provides a demo environment. Please note that you will have to create an account in the development environment and use the keys created in the development environment for the API endpoints access. The base URL for all the development endpoints is as follow:
https://demo-app-api.certif-id.com/Our RESTful APIs are built on HTTP. It responds in JSON format with standard HTTP response codes.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation Successful |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized. Invalid credentials provided |
404 | Not found. The requested item does not exist. |
413 | Request entity too large |
429 | Too many requests |
500, 502, 503, 504 | Server errors. Error in Certif-ID servers. |
To give easy understanding of the APIs, We have annotated our documentation with request parameters, Curl requests, and sample response format.
For all the listing APIs where multiple records are being fetched, the request and response will be in a paginated manner. By default, the first 10 results will be returned.
The following parameters can be used to get the records in a custom range.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageNumber (optional) | Integer | The page number |
recordsPerPage (optional) | Integer | The number of records needed in the list |
sortBy (optional) | String | Sorting field name |
sortOrder (optional) | String | Sorting order (asc for ascending, desc for descending) |
The exposed endpoints have the API rate limiting, applied to all the endpoints. The requests will be throttled once the rate limit is exceeded. The authentication endpoints are rate limited to 3 requests per second per client. Which means you can request for the access token 3 times in a second from a single IP address.
The other endpoints have a rate limit of 60 requests per second per API keys. Which means if you are using the endpoints using access keys of a particular organisation, you can access a particular endpoint 60 times in a second regardless of your IP address.
Certif-ID provides a postman collection of all endpoints for easy integration. The postman collection can be downloaded from here.
Authentication in Certif-ID APIs is done by providing a valid auth
token in the authorization header. The auth token can be generated
using the API keys.
Certif-ID provides two types of API keys for authentication
against the APIs.
The keys can be generated from the Organisation login. In order to generate the keys, visit the API keys menu on the left panel then click on the Create button on the top right corner. You will be shown an access key and a secret key. Please note that the secret key is visible only once on the Certif-ID portal. Make sure to store the secret key somewhere safe. If you lose the secret key, You will have to generate the keys again.
To generate the auth token, hit the token generation API endpoint. The successful response includes accessToken and refreshToken in the payload key of the response JSON. The accessToken is the auth token which can be used in Certif-ID API authentication. The auth token is valid for 30 minutes from the creation time. In order to regenerate the auth token, Please use refresh token endpoint using refreshToken in the parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key (required) | String | The access key created from the Certif-ID console |
secret (required) | String | The secret key created from the Certif-ID console |
curl --location --request POST 'https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/public/identity/v1/entityaccess/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "key" : "theaccesskey", "secret" : "thesecretkey" }'
{ "status": 200, "payload": { "accessToken": "secureaccesstoken", "refreshToken": "securerefreshtoken" } }
Use following details in order to generate the auth token using the refresh token. The response would be the same as the response you get when using the API keys. The response contains an accessToken and refreshToken. The new refresh token can be used subsequently to get an authentication token. The validity of the refresh token is 30 days from creation time.
Parameter | Type | Description |
refreshToken (required) | String | The refresh token |
curl --location --request POST 'https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/public/identity/v1/entityaccess/refresh/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "refreshToken" : "securerefreshtoken" }'
{ "status": 200, "payload": { "accessToken": "secureaccesstoken", "refreshToken": "securerefreshtoken" } }
Certif-ID provides a feature to define the source of API requests as an additional layer of security. You
can add IP addresses or CIDR range in the whitelist. Requests from only entered IP addresses or CIDR range
would be allowed to access Certif-ID resources. If there is no IP address or CIDR range added, Certif-ID
will allow request from any IP address.
In order to add/edit/delete IP address or CIDR range, Please click on the API
menu on the left panel.
The IP address whitelisting can be managed from the same page.
This endpoint can be used to create a course. Some of the request parameters need to be obtained from the endpoints mentioned in Master. Once the course is added, It needs to be audited by certification body. The course can be used further once the certification body approves the audit. Please note that the batch and certification generation will not be available for the course until it’s audit is approved by a certification body. The course approval status and audit status can be viewed by approval_status_id and audit_status_id respectively. Values of approval_status_id and audit_status_id can be identified as below from the course listing/detail API response.
Course approval status meaning:
Course audit status meaning:
Parameter | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Name of the course to be created. |
certBodyUUID (required) | string | uuid of the certification body. The uuid can be used from the response of certification body listing API. |
category_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course category. The uuid can be used from the response of course category listing API. |
templateId (required) | Array of strings | Array of template uuid. The uuid can be obtained from the template list endpoint. Example: ["5eb4d1ca-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14"] |
badgeTemplateId (required) | Array of strings | Array of badge template uuid. The uuid can be obtained from the template list endpoint. Example: ["fd3dfffb-70f4-4336-8b75-177f0714ee53"] |
courseNumber (required) | string | Unique course number to identify the course using a short form (This can be used when uploading batch data in bulk using xlsx/zip file) |
is_certification_expire (required) | numeric | 1 for true, 0 for false. This field indicates whether the certificate can expire after a certain period or not. If the value is set to 1, then certificate_validity_duration, certificate_validity_duration_type, and recertification parameters are required. |
certificate_validity_duration_type (optional) | string | YEAR or MONTH |
certificate_validity_duration (optional) | numeric | The number of years/months the certificate is valid once issued. |
recertification (optional) | string | Needed or Not needed |
includes (optional) | Array of strings | Keywords related to what course includes Example: [“Agile Fundamentals”,”Agile Estimating”,”Agile Metrics”] |
description (required) | string | A description about the course. It can be added in HTML format too. |
content (optional) | string | Content of the course |
competency (optional) | string | |
competency_tags (optional) | string | Competency tags separated with comma. Example: Scrum Master,Agile process head |
certificate_description (optional) | string | |
admission_requirement (optional) | string | Requirements to join the course. For example: 4 years of experience in Agile methodologies and software development. |
duration (optional) | number | Duration of the course in hours/months/days/years |
duration_type (optional) | string | Type of the duration Example: HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR |
course_format_uuid (optional) | string | uuid of course format. The uuid can be obtained from the course format list endpoint. |
total_lessons (optional) | numeric | The number of lessons in the course |
price (optional) | numeric | Price of the course |
currency_uuid (optional) | string | The currency uuid for the price. The uuid can be obtained from the currency list endpoint. |
languages (optional) | string | The languages in which the course is to be provided. The field value would be a comma separated list of language uuid. The language uuid can be obtained from the language list endpoint. Example: 37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14 |
certificate_course_id (optional) | string | |
is_public (required) | numeric | The course can be viewed publicly or not. 1 for true, 0 for false |
image (optional) | file | The course image/logo. The image must be in jpg, jpeg, or png format. |
course_image_certificate (optional) | file | A course image for the certificate. The image must be in jpg, jpeg, or png format. |
course_buy_url (optional) | string | The URL from which course can be bought |
cooperation_partner_name (optional) | string | Cooperation partner name |
cooperation_partner_url (optional) | string | Website URL of cooperation partner |
moduleUUID (optional) | string | Comma separated list of module uuid. The uuid can be obtained from the course module list
endpoint. Example: 37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14 |
label1 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label2 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label3 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label4 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label5 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -F 'name=Node master - smartSense 2020' \ -F 'certBodyUUID=c63bb46a-ecbe-4681-b6b9-838c87664d09' \ -F 'category_uuid=409c67fe-0f58-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'courseNumber=NM-SS-20' \ -F 'is_certification_expire=0' \ -F 'includes=["Introduction", "advanced topics"]' \ -F 'description=<p>Have you tried to learn Node before? You start a new course, and the instructor has you installing a bunch of libraries before you even know what Node is or how it works. You eventually get stuck and reach out to the instructor, but you get no reply. You then close the course and never open it again.</p>' \ -F 'content=<p>Completely refilmed for 3rd edition Build, test, and launch Node apps Create Express web servers and APIs Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB Use cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScript Deploy your Node apps to production Create real-time web apps with SocketIO</p>' \ -F 'competency=<p>This is dummy practice course</p>' \ -F 'certificate_description=<p>Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Jest, and more!</p>' \ -F 'competency_tags=Tag1,Tag2' \ -F 'admission_requirement=<p>This is dummy practice course</p>' \ -F 'duration=10' \ -F 'duration_type=HOUR' \ -F 'course_format_uuid=32144eec-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'total_lessons=20' \ -F 'price=100' \ -F 'currency_uuid=27f77074-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'languages=37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'certificate_course_id=NODE-SS' \ -F 'is_public=1' \ -F 'course_buy_url=https://buycourse.com' \ -F 'cooperation_partner_name=Certif-ID' \ -F 'cooperation_partner_url=https://certif-id.com' \ -F 'certification_validity_duration=2' \ -F 'recertification=Not needed' \ -F 'certification_validity_duration_type=YEAR' \ -F 'templateId=["5eb4d1ca-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14"]' \ -F 'badgeTemplateId=["fd3dfffb-70f4-4336-8b75-177f0714ee53"]' \ -F 'moduleUUID=92bb472e-45aa-4ffc-aa73-a2ce7af7ac2c,b1f93568-c03b-4c12-86dc-766e1242653c' \ -F 'label1'="label" \ -F 'label2'="label" \ -F 'label3'="label" \ -F 'label4'="label" \ -F 'label5'="label"
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course added successfully", "payload": {}, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of the courses. The pagination parameters can be used to get a specific range of results.
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the courses based on course name, course category, course number
etc. For example: {“course_name”: “Machine Learning”, “course_category”: “education”} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "search": "{\"course_name\":\"Machine Learning\", \"course_category\": \"Education\"}", "sortBy": "course_name", "sortOrder": "asc" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course list", "payload": { "data": [ { "course_name": "Machine Learning", "category_uuid": "241db804-fcb2-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "course_category": "Education", "is_active": 1, "approval_status_id": 2, "course_number": "1111", "course_uuid": "551fbb8d-fc93-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "institute_name": "TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH", "institute_uuid": "6cd09f05-2975-42b1-9ffe-86cddd0f41ed", "audit_status_id": 5, "course_category_preferredLabel": null } ... ] }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get details of a particular course. The course uuid needs to be passed in
request URL. The response contains all the course related information. The following base URL can be
to course images in the response.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v3/course/detail \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "courseUUID": "f3f38140-b914-4b8b-9706-7cf325d4a6c7" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course Details", "payload": { "data": { "course_uuid": "1fd936eb-0fc8-11eb-9812-06dd89bd6eb4", "institute_id_text": "86d0d80f-026a-4544-a8c8-53bd773be821", "institute_name": "smartSense Institute", "course_name": "Advance ErLang", "course_number": "ErLang2019", "category_uuid": "24bbd23a-0fc8-11eb-9812-06dd89bd6eb4", "course_category": "Educational Courses", "course_category_preferred_label": "Educational Courses", "course_category_image": null, "course_category_image_thumb": null, "is_active": 1, "approval_status_id": 1, "audit_status_id": 1, "image_": "course_logo/3658451569328262930.jpeg", "thumb_": "course_logo/3658451569328262930.jpeg", "description": "<p>Strong support of streaming", "content": null, "duration": null, "duration_type": "HOUR", "total_lessons": null, "course_format_uuid": null, "course_format": null, "competency": null, "certificate_description": null, "admission_requirement": null, "price": null, "certificate_course_id": null, "course_image_certificate": null, "course_thumb_image_certificate": null, "currency_uuid": null, "currency": null, "currency_code": null, "currency_symbol": null, "recertification": null, "is_certification_expire": 0, "certification_validity_duration": null, "certification_validity_duration_type": "YEAR", "course_buy_url": null, "is_public": 1, "cooperation_partner_name": null, "cooperation_partner_url": null, "examination_component": null, "competency_tags": null, "course_includes": null, "course_languages": null, "template_id": "593f28f8-0fc9-11eb-9812-06dd89bd6eb4", "templateDetails": [ { "template_uuid": "593f28f8-0fc9-11eb-9812-06dd89bd6eb4", "template_name": "TÜV NIFE Template" } ], "badgeTemplateDetail": [ { "template_uuid": "593f28f8-0fc9-11eb-9812-06dd89bd6eb4", "template_name": "TÜV NIFE Template" } ] } }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to update course details. Please note that if a field is not supplied in the parameters, it will be assigned a null value. Template, image, and course_image_certificate remain the same if not added in the parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name (required) | string | Name of the course |
certBodyUUID (required) | string | uuid of the certification body. The uuid can be used from the response of certification body listing API. |
category_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course category. The uuid can be used from the response of course category listing API. |
template_add (optional) | Array of strings | Array of template uuid which need to be added. The uuid can be obtained from the template list
endpoint. Example: ["5eb4d1ca-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14"] |
template_remove_id (optional) | Array of strings | Array of template uuid which need to be removed. |
badge_template_add (optional) | Array of strings | Array of badge template uuid which need to be added. The uuid can be obtained from the
template list
endpoint. Example: ["33f75f82-e1d1-48d0-9b49-dfd470294ca9"] |
badge_template_remove_id (optional) | Array of strings | Array of badge template uuid which need to be removed. |
courseNumber (required) | string | Unique course number to identify the course using a short form (This can be used when uploading batch data in bulk using xlsx/zip file) |
is_certification_expire (required) | numeric | 1 for true, 0 for false. This field indicates whether the certificate can expire after a certain period or not. If the value is set to 1, then certificate_validity_duration, certificate_validity_duration_type, and recertification parameters are required. |
certificate_validity_duration_type (optional) | string | YEAR or MONTH |
certificate_validity_duration (optional) | numeric | The number of years/months the certificate is valid once issued. |
recertification (optional) | string | Needed or Not needed |
includes (optional) | Array of strings | Keywords related to what course includes Example: [“Agile Fundamentals”,”Agile Estimating”,”Agile Metrics”] |
description (required) | string | A description about the course. It can be added in HTML format too. |
content (optional) | string | Content of the course |
competency (optional) | string | |
competency_tags (optional) | string | Competency tags separated with comma. Example: Scrum Master,Agile process head |
certificate_description (optional) | string | |
admission_requirement (optional) | string | Requirements to join the course. For example: 4 years of experience in Agile methodologies and software development. |
duration (optional) | number | Duration of the course in hours/months/days/years |
duration_type (optional) | string | Type of the duration Example: HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR |
course_format_uuid (optional) | string | uuid of course format. The uuid can be obtained from the course format list endpoint. |
total_lessons (optional) | numeric | The number of lessons in the course |
price (optional) | numeric | Price of the course |
currency_uuid (optional) | string | The currency uuid for the price. The uuid can be obtained from the currency list endpoint. |
languages (optional) | string | The languages in which the course is to be provided. The field value would be a comma separated list of language uuid. The language uuid can be obtained from the language list endpoint. Example: 37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14 |
certificate_course_id (optional) | string | |
is_public (required) | numeric | The course can be viewed publicly or not. 1 for true, 0 for false |
image (optional) | file | The course image/logo. The image must be in jpg, jpeg, or png format. |
course_image_certificate (optional) | file | A course image for the certificate. The image must be in jpg, jpeg, or png format. |
course_buy_url (optional) | string | The URL from which course can be bought |
cooperation_partner_name (optional) | string | Cooperation partner name |
cooperation_partner_url (optional) | string | Website URL of cooperation partner |
moduleUUID (optional) | string | Comma separated list of module uuid. The uuid can be obtained from the course module list
endpoint. Example: 37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14 |
label1 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label2 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label3 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label4 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
label5 (optional) | string | Enter free text which you want to show case in the bagde instead of course name when actual course name length will be long. |
curl -X PUT \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/{{course_uuid}} \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -F 'name=Food inspector - smartSense 2020' \ -F 'courseNumber=FI-SS-2020' \ -F 'certBodyUUID=c63bb46a-ecbe-4681-b6b9-838c87664d09' \ -F 'category_uuid=409c67fe-0f58-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'is_certification_expire=0' \ -F 'includes=["Introduction", "advanced topics"]' \ -F 'content=<p>Introduction. Food safety regulations</p>' \ -F 'competency=<p>This is dummy practice course</p>' \ -F 'certificate_description=<p>This is dummy practice course</p>' \ -F 'description=<p>To become Food Inspector a candidate needs to be Graduate in any discipline. After completing the three years bachelor degree course, a candidate acquires eligibility to appear for Food Inspector selection examination. This exam is being conducted by Central Government and State Governments both from time to time..</p>' \ -F 'competency_tags=' \ -F 'admission_requirement=<p>This is dummy practice course</p>' \ -F 'duration=10' \ -F 'duration_type=HOUR' \ -F 'course_format_uuid=32144eec-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'total_lessons=30' \ -F 'price=10' \ -F 'currency_uuid=27f77074-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'languages=37925cea-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14,37925ad9-0f59-11eb-9ba2-02c98411ce14' \ -F 'certificate_course_id=BEV201' \ -F 'is_public=1' \ -F 'course_buy_url=https://buycourse.com' \ -F 'cooperation_partner_name=Course Corporation' \ -F 'cooperation_partner_url=https://coursecorporation.com' \ -F 'recertification=Not required' \ -F 'moduleUUID=92bb472e-45aa-4ffc-aa73-a2ce7af7ac2c,b1f93568-c03b-4c12-86dc-766e1242653c' \ -F 'label1'="label" \ -F 'label2'="label" \ -F 'label3'="label" \ -F 'label4'="label" \ -F 'label5'="label"
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course details has been updated successfully!", "payload": {}, "pager": {} }
The course status can be updated using this endpoint. The course uuid and the new status need to be added in the request URL. Status value 1 indicates that the course is in enabled state. Status value 0 indicates that the course is in disabled state.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
course_status (required) | numeric | 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled status |
curl -X PUT \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/status/{{course_uuid}}/{{course_status}} \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course Enable successfully!", "payload": { "status": "1" }, "pager": {} }
In order to remove the course logo, this endpoint can be used. The course uuid needs to be added in the request URL.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
remove_logo_type (optional) | string | logo type For example: {“remove_logo_type”: “square”} or {“remove_logo_type”: “rectangle”} |
curl -X PUT \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/logo/{{course_uuid}} \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer authtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"remove_logo_type" : "square"}'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course logo has been deleted.", "payload": {}, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used in order to get module list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the currencies based on name or code. For example: {“name”: “learning”} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/module/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer authtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "search": "{\"name\": \"learning\"}" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Module list", "payload": { "data": [ { "name": "Practical", "module_uuid": "6eb7f89c-1ec8-405f-abe9-43e7d65fa438", "is_active": true, "code": "P6523", "max_marks": 40, "moduleType": { "type": "Non Core" } }, { "name": "Theory", "module_uuid": "fc352caa-4bf7-42f8-b12c-20b7dac42ec2", "is_active": true, "code": "T456", "max_marks": 30, "moduleType": { "type": "Core" } } ] }, "pager": { "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "filteredRecords": 10, "totalRecords": 2, "sortBy": "created_at", "sortOrder": "desc" } }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of fields required for a particular course to invite recipients in the request. The course uuid needs to be passed in the URL in order to get the field list. The course_uuid can be found in response of Course List API response.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
curl -X GET \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/recipients/fieldList/{{course_uuid}} \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course Template Filed List", "payload": { "Email": { "name": "email_", "type": "string", "input_type": "text", "required": false, "unique": false, "regex": "", "display_name": "Email", "sample_value": "[email protected]", "max_length": 128 }, "First Name": { "name": "fname", "type": "string", "input_type": "text", "required": true, "unique": false, "regex": "", "display_name": "First Name", "sample_value": "Max", "max_length": 256 }, "Last Name": { "name": "lname", "type": "string", "input_type": "text", "required": false, "unique": false, "regex": "", "display_name": "Last Name", "sample_value": "Walter", "max_length": 256 }, "Contact Number": { "name": "contact_number", "type": "string", "input_type": "text", "required": false, "unique": true, "display_name": "Contact Number", "sample_value": "9876543210", "parse": "string", "max_length": 30 }, "Dial code": { "display_name": "Dial code", "input_type": "text", "name": "dial_code_country_id", "required": false, "sample_value": "+91", "type": "string", "unique": false, "max_length": 10 }, "Primary Value": { "display_name": "Primary Value", "input_type": "drop-down", "name": "primary_value", "regex": "", "required": true, "sample_value": "Email", "type": "string", "unique": false }, "Birth Date": { "name": "birth_date", "type": "string", "input_type": "date-picker", "required": false, "unique": false, "regex": "", "display_name": "Birth Date", "sample_value": "2001-01-21", "min": null, "max": 0 } }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of active custom mail templates. The course uuid needs to be passed in the URL in order to get the custom mail list. The course_uuid can be found in response of Course List API response.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/customMailTemplate/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "courseUUID": courseuuid }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Mail template list successfully.", "payload": [ { "custom_email_template_uuid": "fd441f80-8558-4e37-99e0-7f35eb56808d", "custom_email_template_name": "Custom Template 1", "is_active": 1, "language_code": "en" }, { "custom_email_template_uuid": "f8173307-412e-4378-8d9d-05b56f2d6329", "custom_email_template_name": "Custom Template 2", "is_active": 1, "language_code": "en" } ], "pager": { "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "filteredRecords": 2, "totalRecords": 2, "sortBy": "created_at", "sortOrder": "desc" } }
This endpoint can be used to invite recipients in the quick issuance request. Once this endpoint called successfully then credential request will create automatically on Certif-ID platform in particular organisation with invited receipts.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Course |
template_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Templete |
badge_template_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Badge Templete |
is_send_certification_email (optional) | boolean | Use ‘true’ if you need to send certificate via email after issue else ‘false’ |
is_attach_certificate (optional) | boolean | Use ‘true’ if you need to attach certificate in the email attachment else ‘false’ |
is_send_certificate_public_link (optional) | boolean | Use ‘true’ if you need to create public link for certificate else ‘false’ |
is_hide_in_wallet (optional) | boolean | Use ‘true’ if you need to hide certificate in wallet else ‘false’ |
is_certificate_issue_to_organisation (optional) | boolean | Use ‘true’ if you need to issue certificate to organisation else ‘false’ |
student (optional) | array | Array of field list with recipients data |
signature (optional) | array | Array of uuid of signature & signature_req flag |
sponsor (optional) | array | Array of uuid of sponsor |
custom_email_template_uuid (optional) | string | uuid of the Custom Email Templete |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/quickIssuance/recipients/data/upload \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "course_uuid": "b0c6bb57-b645-4c65-9eec-a23bf82e4593", "template_uuid": "30e51e83-c792-4d67-8478-8768d0c84b8d", "badge_template_uuid": "30e51e83-c792-4d67-8478-8768d0c84b7d", "is_send_certification_email": true, "is_attach_certificate": true, "is_send_certificate_public_link": true, "is_hide_in_wallet": false, "is_certificate_issue_to_organisation": false, "custom_email_template_uuid": "30e41e83-c792-4d57-8478-8777d0c84b8d" "student": [ { "Email": "[email protected]", "First Name":"Expert", "Last Name":"One", "Contact Number":"", "Dial code":"", "Primary Value":"Email", "Birth Date":"1994-06-09", "Other":"0", "Program Start Date":"2022-04-12", "Program End Date":"2022-04-01", "Register Number":"101", "Salutation":"Mr.", "Batch Branch Name":"Gandhinagar" }, { "Email": "", "First Name":"Expert Two", "Last Name":"", "Contact Number":"5555555555", "Dial code":"+91", "Primary Value":"Contact Number", "Birth Date":"1994-06-09", "Other":"", "Program Start Date":"", "Program End Date":"2022-04-01", "Register Number":"102", "Salutation":"", "Batch Branch Name":"Gandhinagar" } ], "signature": [ { "uuid":"93ad1992-1d1d-11ed-9bb3-02c981ce14", "signature_req":true } ], "sponsor":["93b40c1d-1d1d-11ed-9bb3-02c911ce14"] }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "recipients data upload successfully", "payload": {}, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to upload recipients in the quick issuance request via file. File can be excel or zip. Once this endpoint called successfully then credential request will create automatically on Certif-ID platform in particular organisation with invited receipts.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Course |
template_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Templete |
badge_template_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the Badge Templete |
signature (optional) | array | Array of uuid of signature & signature_req flag |
sponsor (optional) | array | Array of uuid of sponsor |
file (required) | excel or zip file | Upload the excel or zip file with recipient data |
custom_email_template_uuid (optional) | string | uuid of the Custom Email Templete |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/quickIssuance/recipients/data/upload \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -F course_uuid=f2011d3d-4e46-4b7d-95d7-e03d47b23659 \ -F template_uuid=fe011d3d-4e46-4b7d-95d7-e03d47b23659 \ -F badge_template_uuid=fe011d3d-4e46-4b7d-95d7-e03d47b23649 \ -F custom_email_template_uuid=30e41e83-c792-4d57-8478-8777d0c84b8d \ -F signature: [ { "uuid":"93ad1992-1d1d-11ed-9bb3-02c981ce14", "signature_req":true } ] \ -F sponsor:["93b40c1d-1d1d-11ed-9bb3-02c911ce14"] -F file=filepath
{ "status": 200, "message": "recipients data upload successfully", "payload": {}, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to download a sample sheet to invite multiple recipients using an excel sheet. If you need to upload multiple files like recipient profile images, Please use Download Sample Data endpoint. The sample sheet data would vary based on the course. Use uuid of the course selected for the quick issuance in the request parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/batch/download/sample-sheet \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "course_uuid": "f2011d3d-4e46-4b7d-95d7-e03d47b23659" }'
This endpoint can be used to download a sample file to invite multiple recipients using a zip file. The zip file may contain multiple files like excel sheet and recipient profile images based on the template requirement. The sample data would vary based on the course. Use uuid of the course selected for the quick issuance in the request parameter.
Parameter | Type | Description |
course_uuid (required) | string | uuid of the course |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/batch/download/sample-data \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "course_uuid": "f2011d3d-4e46-4b7d-95d7-e03d47b23659" }'
This endpoint provides a list of credential data with recipient detail. The pager parameters can be used to get the list in chunks or all the records depending on the requirement. In order to search the credential, search parameter can also be used in JSON format. The pagination parameters can also be used to get a specific range of results. Values of issued_status_id can be used as below for the search parameter. Please note that the certificate_path link which will in response will expire in 3 minutes.
Credential issued status meaning:
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the credential data based on name, issued date range, issued
status, recipient's email, etc... For example: {"certificate_name":"cert","name":"","date_range":{"start":"2022-06-09","end":"2022-06-16"},"issued_status_id":[4],"email_":"[email protected]","contact_number":"7898784512","batch_name":"batch","valid_till":"2022-06-16","issue_date":{"start":"2022-06-09","end":"2022-06-16"},"credential_id":"8120-1854-5371-5002","reg_no": "1234","uid": "1234","cert_no": "1234","unique_no": "A1234","membership_id": "1234565789"} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/certificate/student/report \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 100, "_search": "{\"certificate_name\":\"cert\",\"name\":\"\",\"date_range\":{\"start\":\"2022-06-09\",\"end\":\"2022-06-16\"},\"issued_status_id\":[4],\"email_\":\"[email protected]\",\"contact_number\":\"7898784512\",\"batch_name\":\"batch\", \"valid_till\": \"2022-06-16\",\"issue_date\":{\"start\":\"2022-06-09\",\"end\":\"2022-06-16\"},\"credential_id\":\"\",\"reg_no\":\"\",\"uid\":\"\",\"cert_no\":\"\",\"unique_no\":\"\",\"membership_id\":\"1234565789\"}" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Report list", "payload": { "data": [ { "name": "Tinson41100", "fname": "Tinson41100", "lname": null, "email_": "[email protected]", "contact_number": null, "batch_name": null, "certificate_name": "Demo Certificate", "issued_status": "Requested", "issue_date": null, "valid_till": null, "revoked_date": null, "request_date": "2022-06-16", "target_hash": null, "certificate_path": "", "entity_uuid": "d5d4237e-6935-48c2-8c89-24afefda7asf", "credential_id": "8120-1845-5371-5002", "reg_no": null, "uid": null, "cert_no": null, "unique_no": "A1234", "public_verifier_link": "", "membership_id":"1234565789" } ] }, "pager": { "sortOrder": " desc", "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 100, "filteredRecords": 100, "totalRecords": 13132 } }
This endpoint is used to download credential using entity_uuid or credential_id of the particular credential. The entity_uuid or credential_id can be found in the response of the credential details api.
Parameter | Type | Description |
entity_uuid (required) or credential_id(required) | string | uuid of the credential or id of the credential |
curl -X GET \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/certificate/downloadCertificate/{entity_uuid or credential_id} \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
This endpoint is used to revoke credential using credential_id of the particular credential.
Parameter | Type | Description |
credential_id(required) | string | credential id of the credential |
curl --location 'https://dev-app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/certificate/revoke' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ --data '{ "credential_id": "9101-1434-9306-9732" }'
This endpoint provides a list of currencies Certif-ID use. The pager parameters can be used to get the list in chunks or all the records depending on the requirement. In order to search the currencies, search parameter can also be used in JSON format. The pagination parameters can also be used to get a specific range of results. The response contains currency uuid, name, code and symbol. The uuid can be used to identify the currency uniquely.
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the currencies based on name or code. For example: {“code”: “AFN”} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/currency/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "_search": "{\"code\": \"AFN\"}", "sortBy": "name", "sortOrder": "asc" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Currency List", "payload": { "data": [ { "currency_uuid": "a150aebd-fe25-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "name": "Afghanis", "code": "AFN", "symbol": "؋", "default": 0 } ] }, "pager": { "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "sortBy": "name", "sortOrder": "asc", "filteredRecords": 10, "totalRecords": 113 } }
This endpoint provides a list of languages Certif-ID use. The pager parameters can be used to get the list in chunks or all the records depending on the requirement. In order to search the languages, search parameter can also be used in JSON format. The pagination parameters can also be used to get a specific range of results. The response contains the language uuid and name. The uuid can be used to identify the language uniquely.
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the languages based on name. For example: {“name”: “span”} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/language/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "sortBy": "name", "sortOrder": "asc" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Language List", "payload": { "data": [ { "language_uuid": "febc5ebd-fe26-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "name": "Konkani" }, .... { "language_uuid": "febc264c-fe26-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "name": "Spanish" } ] }, "pager": { "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "sortBy": "created_at", "sortOrder": "desc", "filteredRecords": 10, "totalRecords": 100 } }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of templates available for a particular organisation. The template details would be required while creating the course. The pagination parameters can be used to get a specific range of results. The response contains template uuid, template name, template description, and html code of the template.
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/template/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10 }’
{ "status": 200, "message": "Template list", "payload": { "data": [ { "template_uuid": "db53b235-fe27-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "template_name": "Certif-ID Template", "description": "Certif-ID Template", "html_code": "HTML template", "institute_id": null, "is_active": true, "created_at": "2020-10-10T15:20:02.000Z" } ] }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get the list of all the available categories of course. The response contains uuid, category name, code, and label. The uuid will be required while creating a course using APIs.
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/category/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Organisation Category list", "payload": { "data": [ { "category_uuid": "241dc3a8-fcb2-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "course_category": "Education", "code": "en", "label": "Education - english" }, ... { "category_uuid": "241eb6ff-fcb2-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "course_category": "IT Engineering", "code": "en", "label": "IT Engineering - EN" } ] }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to list the course formats. The pagination parameters can be used to get a specific range of results. The response contains uuid, name, and labels. The uuid will be needed while creating a course.
Parameter | Type | Description |
search (optional) | JSON | This can be used to search the currencies based on name or code. For example: {“name”: “learning”} |
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/course/format/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "search": "{\"name\": \"learning\"}" }'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Course Format List", "payload": { "data": [ { "course_format_uuid": "dd2d4160-fe26-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "name": "E-learning", "preferredLabels": [ { "code": "en", "label": "E-learning" } ] }, ... { "course_format_uuid": "dd2d45c2-fe26-11ea-ae86-064c46d49454", "name": "Virtual classroom", "preferredLabels": [ { "code": "en", "label": "Virtual classroom" } ] } ] }, "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of certification body for the particular organisation. The response contains uuid, certification body name. The uuid will be required while creating a course using APIs.
curl -X GET \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/institute/v1/institute/certification-body/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{ "status": 200, "message": "Certification body list", "payload": [ { "certification_uuid": "80fcd9ce-cd3f-11e9-9b6e-0a58a20e06f0", "user_name": "Grantham Cert Body" } ], "pager": {} }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of sponsors for the particular certification body. The response contains uuid, sponsor name. The uuid will be required when someone would like to issue credentials without configuring the sponsor for certificate while using the inviting recipients APIs.
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/template/sponsor/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\ -d '{ "certification_uuid": "80fcd9ce-cd3f-11e9-9b6e-0aa20e06f0", "search":"{\"sponsor_name\":\"abc\"}", "sortOrder":"DESC", "sortBy":"sponsor_name", "pageNumber":1, "recordsPerPage":10 }’
{ "status": 200, "message": "Sponsors List", "payload": { "sponsors": [ { "uuid": "93b40c1d-1d1d-11ed-9bb3-028411ce14", "sponsor_name": "AIR bnb" } ] }, "pager": { "sortField": "sponsor_name", "sortOrder": "DESC", "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 200, "filteredRecords": 1, "totalRecords": 1 } }
This endpoint can be used to get a list of signatures for the particular certification body. The response contains uuid, member name & designation name. The uuid will be required when someone would like to issue credentials without configuring the signatures for certificate while using inviting recipients APIs.
curl -X POST \ https://app-api.certif-id.com/api/certification/v1/template/signature/list \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer theauthtoken' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\ -d '{ "certification_uuid": "80fcd9ce-cd3f-11e9-9b6e-0a520e06f0", "search":"{\"member_name\":\"Umesh\",\"designation_name\":\"Angular\"}", "sortOrder":"ASC", "sortBy":"member_name", "pageNumber":1, "recordsPerPage":10 }’
{ "status": 200, "message": "Digital Signatures List", "payload": { "digitalSignatures": [ { "uuid": "9f70a0d2-7618-4805-9286-01fa14b312", "member_name": "Umesh Jangid", "designation": { "designation_name": "Developer" } } ] }, "pager": { "sortField": "member_name", "sortOrder": "ASC", "pageNumber": 1, "recordsPerPage": 10, "filteredRecords": 1, "totalRecords": 1 } }